Saturday, April 23, 2011

Swedish Happy Face

Finally fine weather!
Spring arrives in leaps and bounds, almost bordering on summer..... The delight on everyone's face is evident. "Look, Swedish Happy Face" as a friend remarked, and only a Swede having lived through dreary November, dark December and Cold & Dark January and February can really understand the look and feel.
This crocus is a real favourite. Very old bulbs (from the 1940s or so), blooming every so faithfully and with such a vivid colour, like sunshine on the ground..

Quit a lot of crocus so far, and snow drops, some scilla and I note the lovely violet tulips are about to bloom.
The odd sleepy bumble bee and some very happy butterflies can be seen flittering around the garden, under blue sky and a warming sun. What a marvellous time of year this is!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More snow

More snow today. Nothing like the enormous amounts in the US, and luckily nowhere near events like the horrible floods in Australia, but it's enough to keep us occupied and building more snow-shovel muscles. And make people mutter about "enough already" on the bus - nothing like the weather to get people talking.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter is the time of waiting

This time of year the garden doesn't amount to much, white and cold with masses of snow
 It's hard to believe it had this ...
only a few months ago.

Now all we can do is wait for the snow to melt, in 3 months or so, and then eagerly check for little signs of spring. And then when there's something to actually report I'll be back with a lot of photos.....